It’s not a surprise that when gas prices spike during the warmer months

Honda CBR 300R

With summer finally upon us, it’s hard not look wistfully from the inside of a car and long for the wind on your face—barreling down country roads, freed from the tethers of smartphones and chatty passengers.

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Slate helps you see how many more days you need to work to reach your financial goal for the month and year.

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Frequently Asked Question

Now this is something which concerns all the bikers as the price of fuel is hiking sky high. First of all, it depends on the way you ride your bike. Proper gear shifting & riding at a constant speed can really give you a high mileage. But this is just one part of getting a good economy. There are some small but important factors too. Proper changing of engine oil can really help you in getting a good mileage. A good tuning in carburetor is very much important too.

If you are not getting a good throttle response If you are not getting a good throttle response then there are couple of things you can check for. For instance first thing will be the carburetor tuning along with the engine tuning. Check for the air filter, fuel filter & the spark plugs. If the problem still persists then you should check the quality of the fuel too. Now these are the major things you should check for first.

I believe this is the most essential part of any moving vehicle. I remember when I first learnt to drive a car, my uncle taught me, it is not about how fast you can go, it is about how smoothly you can brake even cruising at a very high speed. In our country we have two kinds of brakes. One is Drum brakes & the other is Disk brakes which r controlled by Hydraulic fuel. Lets talk about Drum brakes first. If you are facing a problem in braking system then the first thing you need to see is the brake cable. If it is old, change it. It may rust inside & tangle when you are braking thus not providing good support.

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